Businesses need to think differently about customer feedback data in 2020 –

Contributor and SMX speaker, Adam Dorfman, thinks the customer feedback ecosystem is going to play an even more important role in the coming year for businesses looking to improve operations and the customer experience.

Below is the video transcript:

Hi everybody, my name’s Adam Dorfman. I’m a director of product growth at and I’m going to talk about some of the trends and one big important trend that we’re seeing right now and that we think it’s going very much carry over into 2020. And that’s how up until recently, the way most businesses would think about how their business was doing was through the use of surveys and collecting survey data. Specifically, MPS being a metric that many businesses like to use to determine how well they were performing.

An example of an MPS question would be: On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this business to a friend of yours?

And if it was an eight or higher, that was great. And if not, it was lower. And that’s still very helpful because you can ask your customers directly, after you know they visited your business and things along those lines, still a fantastic way to gage sentiment. However, it’s a very small part in all the places that customers, your customers, are leaving information about your business.

When you think of the customer feedback ecosystem, or the customer feedback economy, whatever you want to call it, there’s many, many places where information about your business is being left. And those could be on review sites. They could be on question and answer sort of sites like Google My Business Knowledge Panels, or the site Quora. It can be in forms. It can be messaging. It can be all sorts of different, all sorts of different places.

If you aren’t tracking all of those different places in the wild, where this information is being left either solicited or not solicited, more often than not, not solicited, you’re missing a huge opportunity in being able to understand what customers truly think about your business and how to improve your business operationally, to make a better business and to improve the customer experience.

This is part of a special feature from our community of experts on what successful marketers will do in 2020. Read more >>

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