ChatGPT for SEO: 9 Best Use Cases (And 4 Suboptimal Ones)

ChatGPT for SEO: 9 Best Use Cases (And 4 Suboptimal Ones) |

I’ll have to admit: ChatGPT is cool. I don’t think we expected AI to come this far so soon.

But it doesn’t mean every free “ChatGPT prompt” ebook you see on Gumroad is the future. Many of the use cases are simply engagement bait.

So in this post, we’ll look at the actual best use cases of ChatGPT for SEO. I’ll also cover cases where you shouldn’t use ChatGPT.

Editor’s Note

Prefer watching a video instead? Here’s Sam Oh on the best and worst cases of ChatGPT for SEO:

Best use cases

Here are some of our favorite ChatGPT use cases for SEO that we have found at Ahrefs.

1. Construct regex

A regular expression (regex) is a sequence of characters used to find patterns within text. For example, the pattern /b[aeiou]t/ will find words like “bat, bet, bit, bot, but” on a page.

If we want to find keywords phrased as a question in Google Search Console (GSC), we can ask ChatGPT:

What is the regular expression to show matches that contain any of the following words in it: how, what, who, when, where, why, do? These words should be the first word in the match.

And here’s ChatGPT’s answer:

13. Local SEO

Miriam Ellis, a local SEO expert, asked ChatGPT a few common local SEO questions. It offered less-than-ideal answers, such as encouraging her to violate Yelp’s guidelines, promulgate persistent local SEO myths, and more.

I highly recommend reading her article to find out why ChatGPT isn’t ideal for local SEO.

Final thoughts

Now that we have handpicked the best SEO use cases for you, your next step is to start implementing these tactics and use ChatGPT as your ideation partner or to improve your SEO processes.

Did I miss out on any prompts or use cases? Let me know on Twitter or LinkedIn.



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