How to Build a Full-Funnel Marketing Strategy (w/ Example)

How to Build a Full-Funnel Marketing Strategy (w/ Example) |

Strategies involving full-funnel marketing and omnichannel marketing can be confusing. Many articles on the topic discuss complex KPIs and goal tracking. This guide keeps it simple.

Rather than giving you unnecessary details, this article aims to teach you how to build a simple and effective full-funnel marketing strategy so you can target potential buyers at all stages of your customer journey. 

I’ll also give you real-world examples to help you understand and follow along.

Why is full-funnel marketing important?

It’s important to create content or media for all stages of the funnel. If you don’t, you will miss out on a lot of potential customers.

Most companies focus solely on BOFU marketing, which will usually have the highest conversion rates. However, it is also typically the most expensive and competitive stage of the funnel. 

Including TOFU and MOFU marketing efforts broadens your pool of potential customers and plants seeds for future growth.

In fact, a Nielsen meta-analysis of CPG campaigns found that full-funnel marketing strategies receive up to 45% higher ROI and 7% increases in offline sales compared to single-funnel campaigns.

How to create a full-funnel marketing strategy that converts

You can create an effective full-funnel marketing strategy in five steps:

  1. Mapping your customer’s journey
  2. Choosing your marketing channel
  3. Setting your KPIs
  4. Creating content
  5. Tracking performance and tweaking based on data

Step 1. Map your customer’s journey

Before anything, you should spend some time understanding how your customers go from no awareness of your brand to making a purchase—i.e., the buyer’s journey.

The buyer’s journey is broken down into three stages:

  1. Awareness
  2. Consideration
  3. Decision

Here’s an example buyer’s journey for a new Ahrefs customer: 

Potential buyer's journey of Billy Blogger

Our customer may begin by looking for ways to get more traffic—without any knowledge of SEO or Ahrefs. From there, he may decide to pursue SEO, realize he needs tools, and begin researching what is available. Finally, he may decide to purchase an Ahrefs subscription.

To uncover a customer’s journey applicable to your business, put yourself in the customers’ shoes. 

Who are your customers? What problems do they have that you can solve? How do they find the solution to these problems? How can you create content to be a part of this journey?

Of course, everyone’s journey is different and all you can really do here is try to understand how potential customers are likely to make decisions, then use content/media to guide them.

Step 2. Choose your marketing channel

Trying to create a full-funnel marketing strategy for multiple channels at the same time is a surefire way to kill your plan before it even gets going.

Instead, it’s better to choose one channel at first and develop, execute, and track its performance until you create a system that works—then move on to another.

You can choose from any of the social media platforms, paid advertising, and many other marketing channels. However, at Ahrefs, we focus on organic search by performing SEO.

SEO is great for full-funnel marketing because you can target keywords across the funnel, rank them in Google search, and get consistent traffic month after month.

For example, our piece on how to get more website traffic (TOFU content) gets an estimated 1K–2K monthly search visits, according to Ahrefs:

Organic traffic for Ahrefs' article on how to get more website traffic

Our list of free SEO tools (MOFU content) gets an estimated 36K visits:

Organic traffic for Ahrefs' article on free SEO tools

And even our Ahrefs vs. SEMrush vs. Moz comparison (BOFU content) gets an estimated 1.2K visits:

Organic traffic for Ahrefs' article on comparisons between Ahrefs and its competitors

It’s also possible that by creating content for every stage of the funnel, you can actually receive compounding results because Google’s search algorithm cares about topical authority. In other words, if you cover all the topics targeting keywords across the whole funnel—not just the BOFU keywords—your overall rankings may improve.

Hopefully, it’s clear to see why we focus so much on this channel.

If SEO sounds right for your business, check out our complete SEO content strategy guide.

Step 3. Choose your KPIs

This is where other guides may get complicated. But don’t worry, I’ll keep it super simple.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics that you can track to keep tabs on how well (or poorly) your marketing is performing so you can adapt your strategy accordingly. 

KPIs could be anything: website traffic, goal conversions and attributions, time on page, bounce rate, etc.

But I recommend you start with a single KPI: traffic.

Traffic to your content is one of the easiest and strongest indicators of how well your marketing efforts are performing. Typically, more traffic = more sales.

Now, you don’t just want traffic for traffic’s sake. But if you’re targeting the right keywords and creating content around your marketing funnel, traffic to those pages is a good indicator that your efforts are working. 

What qualifies as success here varies depending on your niche. Some niches are low-volume and hyper-competitive, while others have a lot of high-volume keywords. The important thing is seeing your traffic numbers increase over time. 

You can track traffic using Google Analytics and Google Search Console. If you’re using GA4, head to Engagement > Overview and scroll down to see your views.

Google Analytics 4 engagement overview chart

Another solid KPI that goes hand in hand with traffic—if you’re using SEO as a strategy—is keyword rankings. The higher you rank for a given keyword, the more traffic you’ll get.

Personally, I check Ahrefs at least once a week to see how my websites are performing. I’ve been in business for over 10 years, and the overall website traffic and keyword rankings are still my main KPIs (alongside overall profits) to determine whether my efforts are working or not.

I’ll talk about my tracking process in step #5. For now, it’s time to roll our sleeves up.

Step 4. Create content

Now that you have your strategy in place and know what your KPIs are, it’s time to begin creating your content. 

What kind of content you create depends on your niche and marketing channel. I can’t possibly cover them all in this article. So instead, I’ll assume you’re going with my advice on using SEO as your main traffic channel.

The first step in creating a full-funnel SEO strategy for your website is keyword research

This is the process of uncovering what keywords your potential customers are searching for on Google at each stage of the funnel. The simplest way to do this is by plugging a seed keyword into Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer and filtering the results to fit your needs. 

For example, in the awareness/TOFU stage of Billy Blogger’s buyer journey, I would start with a seed keyword like “website traffic” and look at the keyword ideas. 

Keyword ideas for "website traffic," via Ahrefs' Keywords Explorer

Right away, I see two potential articles from these ideas:

  • How to check your website’s traffic
  • How to drive traffic to your website

I can then repeat this with different seed keywords for each funnel stage to get more ideas. 

For the MOFU stage, I can search “seo” as the seed keyword. This gives me keywords like “what is seo,” “how to do seo,” “seo best practices,” and more.

For the BOFU stage, I can enter broad keywords that are specific to my product, such as “ahrefs,” “best seo tool,” etc.

For more keyword research tactics, check out these other guides and tools:

After you finish your keyword research, you can prioritize which keywords to create content for first based on a combination of search volume, keyword difficulty, and proximity to the bottom of the funnel. I like to create my BOFU content first, then MOFU, then TOFU—simply because content closer to the bottom usually converts better.

Once you have your target keywords in mind, it’s time to create search-optimized content. There’s a lot to learn here, but I’ll break it down into five basic steps (you can read the linked articles for a more in-depth look):

  1. Determine the search intent of the keyword you wish to rank for
  2. Create a content outline if writing a blog post or landing page
  3. Follow my SEO writing tips while writing the content
  4. Publish the content and perform some basic on-page SEO
  5. Learn link building to help your website and articles gain authority

That’s all there is to it. There are more nuances to SEO, of course, but the basics are simple: Create high-quality content that matches the search intent of your target keyword, then build internal and external links to that content to prove its trustworthiness.

Step 5. Track performance and make tweaks

Once you’ve published some articles and started promoting them, you need to track those KPIs over time to see how well they’re performing.

Again, Google Analytics and Google Search Console can help you track your traffic. But if you also want to track keyword rankings like I mentioned, you can do so with Ahrefs’ Rank Tracker.

Simply plug in your website and the keywords you want to track, and you’ll be shown a dashboard with your current rankings and which pages are ranking for which keywords.

Ahrefs' Rank Tracker report

This is a great way to see how well your pages are performing for your chosen keywords, but I also like to look at my websites in Ahrefs’ Site Explorer by diving into the Organic keywords and Top pages reports. 

The Organic keywords report will show you all the keywords you’re ranking for, as well as give you the option to compare current rankings to previous rankings. 

Organic keywords report, via Ahrefs' Site Explorer

If you notice you’re losing rankings over time, that’s a sign you may need to refresh your content to keep it relevant and keep your funnel working.

The Top pages report, on the other hand, will show you which pages are your top performers in terms of traffic and number of ranking keywords. This is great to see which parts of the funnel are performing the best, allowing you to create more of what’s working.

For example, our blog post on affiliate marketing is our top-performing article on the entire site:

Top pages report, via Ahrefs' Site Explorer

This tells us it’s probably a good idea to create more content around affiliate marketing which, for us, is a MOFU topic. We’ve published dozens of articles about affiliate marketing since learning how well this one is performing, and they’re now bringing in thousands of new visitors every month.

Lastly, the Top pages report is the perfect way to decide which pages to invest in conversion optimization to improve the number of leads and sales you’re getting from your highest-traffic pages.

Final thoughts

Full-funnel marketing, when done right, can maximize your sales and minimize your costs. And luckily for you, it doesn’t have to be that complicated.

In short: Try to understand your customers, create content for each step in their buyer’s journey, then track how that content is performing and tweak your strategy based on the data.

Questions or comments? Ping me on Twitter.



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